Jack Daniels 1 Ltr


Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey comes from the United States oldest registered distillery and is charcoal mellowed through 10 feet of sugar maple charcoal. The Distillery, founded in 1866 by Mr. Jack Daniel in Lynchburg, Tennessee, is one of the most well-known producers of whiskey in the world.


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    Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey comes from the United States oldest registered distillery and is charcoal mellowed through 10 feet of sugar maple charcoal. The Distillery, founded in 1866 by Mr. Jack Daniel in Lynchburg, Tennessee, is one of the most well-known producers of whiskey in the world.

    This American Whiskey is made from the finest corn, rye, and barley malt. These choice grains are mixed with the iron-free water that flows from the Cave Spring right on grounds of the whiskey distillery. From there Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey is charcoal mellowed, drop by drop, through 10 feet of sugar maple charcoal, which imparts the distinct sweet smoothness of this best in class whiskey. Finally, Jack Daniels Tennesse Whiskey is matured in handcrafted white oak barrels of our own making

    Light with plenty of sweetness. There are hints of dry spice and oily nuts, a touch of smoke.

    Quite smooth and soft with notes of banana milkshake, a mixed nut note, a touch of caramel with crme anglaise.

    Sweet with a little cereal sweetness and toasty oak.

    Additional information


    1, 3

    Technical Analysis:

    Alcohol: 40.00%
    Packaging: 6 x 1L


    Jack Daniels Original 1L


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