DB Export Gold 24x330ml
The golden, well balanced lager that started it all!
Made using only the finest New Zealand hops, barley and water, it is perhaps New Zealand’s freshest and most refreshing beer.
A golden 4% lager characterised by a pleasant, slightly fruity flavour with a clean, crisp finish. Best served ice cold to enhance its drinkability and refreshing flavours.
We offer FREE delivery on ALL orders in the greater Wellington region, for those outside of Wellington small charged delivery fee’s will apply upon your order’s weight and size.
- The golden, well balanced lager that started it all!
- Made using only the finest New Zealand hops, barley and water, it is perhaps New Zealand’s freshest and most refreshing beer.
- A golden 4% lager characterised by a pleasant, slightly fruity flavour with a clean, crisp finish. Best served ice cold to enhance its drinkability and refreshing flavours.
Available in:
24 x 330ml btl
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