Palliser Estate Pinot Rose ’23 750ml
A very pretty, pure and delicate style of Rosé made out of 100% Pinot Noir that will transport you to where it’s always summer. Dry and crisp on the palate, the wine has a pleasantly medium body and a lithe, slippery mouthfeel. Gently creamy and bursting with strawberry and watermelon flavours, the wine finishes long and refreshingly tart. Beautifully balanced and very refined, this is a dry style of Rosé that is great on its own or as an aperitif.
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- A very pretty, pure and delicate style of Rosé made out of 100% Pinot Noir that will transport you to where it’s always summer. Dry and crisp on the palate, the wine has a pleasantly medium body and a lithe, slippery mouthfeel. Gently creamy and bursting with strawberry and watermelon flavours, the wine finishes long and refreshingly tart. Beautifully balanced and very refined, this is a dry style of Rosé that is great on its own or as an aperitif.
- Enjoy as an aperitif or with charcuterie, cheeseboards and smoked salmon.
- At its best now and through 2026.
- Bottled: June 2022
- Alcohol: 13.0%
- Vegan friendly
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