Palliser Estate The Griffin Méthode Traditionnelle ’20 750ml


This elegant wine is made in the traditional method from Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, and aged on yeast lees for over three years giving it a beautiful yeasty complexity. Clean, crisp and lively in the mouth, the creamy mousse adding a luxurious plumpness to the mid palate, before a long, complex finish bursting with tart berry and stone fruits. Extended lees time has infused the wine with a delicious umami savouriness, making this 2020 vintage particularly suitable for pairing with fine cuisine.


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    • This elegant wine is made in the traditional method from Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, and aged on yeast lees for over three years giving it a beautiful yeasty complexity. Clean, crisp and lively in the mouth, the creamy mousse adding a luxurious plumpness to the mid palate, before a long, complex finish bursting with tart berry and stone fruits. Extended lees time has infused the wine with a delicious umami savouriness, making this 2020 vintage particularly suitable for pairing with fine cuisine.
    • A perfect match for crayfish, oysters and other kaimoana.
    • It is drinking perfectly on release, but will develop further complexity in bottle through to 2027.
    • Bottled: April 2023
    • Alcohol: 12.5%


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