The golden, well balanced lager that started it all!
Made using only the finest New Zealand hops, barley and water, it is perhaps New Zealand’s freshest and most refreshing beer.
A golden 4% lager characterised by a pleasant, slightly fruity flavour with a clean, crisp finish. Best served ice cold to enhance its drinkability and refreshing flavours.
- Super crisp lager with more flavour, less carbs.
- Get the best of both worlds with a full flavoured premium taste but less calories and carbs, due it being naturally brewed for 33% longer. A super crisp lager with fruity notes and mild bitterness that we love from beer.
- Super crisp lager with more flavour, less carbs.
- Get the best of both worlds with a full flavoured premium taste but less calories and carbs, due it being naturally brewed for 33% longer. A super crisp lager with fruity notes and mild bitterness that we love from beer.
$36.80 – $64.40
Born In Amsterdam In 1873 And Raised By The World. Heineken Is The #1 Beer Brand In New Zealand*, The World’s Number One Premium Beer And A True Beer Of The World. 100% Pilsner Malts Are Carefully Blended With The Finest Hops, And The Famous ‘A’ Yeast, Giving Heineken Its Truly Distinctive, Yet Mild Flavour. Heineken Is Star Brewed For That Refreshing First Sip.