Ata Rangi Celebre ’21 750ml
- The 2021 Célèbre is a blend of Syrah 56%, merlot 31%, and small portions of Malbec 7% and cabernet franc at 6%. This is a wonderful vintage of Célèbre, which packs a punch, and will reward cellaring.
- A low yielding season, giving great intensity and fruit weight to the late ripening varietals that make up our Célèbre blend. 2021 finished with a long dry spell in April that enabled the Merlot, Malbec, Cabernet Franc and Syrah to reach perfect ripeness.
- An intense nose of dark scented aromas of aniseed, black liquorice and cardamom draws you in to a palate peppered with ripe plum and black currant. Densely structured and detailed, 2021 is a riper more profound vintage of Célèbre than the lighter more energetic 2020.
- Pairs well with heartier meats such as beef and lamb as well as tomato-based dishes, pasta, strong cheeses and dark chocolate.
- This wine will easily cellar for 10+ years and is perfect for drinking from now.
We offer FREE delivery on ALL orders in the greater Wellington region, for those outside of Wellington small charged delivery fee’s will apply upon your order’s weight and size.
- The 2021 Célèbre is a blend of Syrah 56%, merlot 31%, and small portions of Malbec 7% and cabernet franc at 6%. This is a wonderful vintage of Célèbre, which packs a punch, and will reward cellaring.
- A low yielding season, giving great intensity and fruit weight to the late ripening varietals that make up our Célèbre blend. 2021 finished with a long dry spell in April that enabled the Merlot, Malbec, Cabernet Franc and Syrah to reach perfect ripeness.
- An intense nose of dark scented aromas of aniseed, black liquorice and cardamom draws you in to a palate peppered with ripe plum and black currant. Densely structured and detailed, 2021 is a riper more profound vintage of Célèbre than the lighter more energetic 2020.
- Pairs well with heartier meats such as beef and lamb as well as tomato-based dishes, pasta, strong cheeses and dark chocolate.
- This wine will easily cellar for 10+ years and is perfect for drinking from now.
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