Valli Real McCoy Orange Pinot Gris ’21 750ml
The colour of the wine comes from the grape skins and the semi-oxidative handling. The 2021 Real McCoy has a shimmering peach hue. There are complex aromas of sea salt and stone fruit (peach and apricot) with zesty orange peel and subtle white blossom.
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The colour of the wine comes from the grape skins and the semi-oxidative handling. The 2021 Real McCoy has a shimmering peach hue. There are complex aromas of sea salt and stone fruit (peach and apricot) with zesty orange peel and subtle white blossom. On the palate there are flavours of ripe stone fruit, citrus, and cream soda. The mouthfeel is both creamy and silky with a lovely hint of fine tannin and lingering acidity at the finish. Delicious on its own, the Real McCoy invites many opportunities for food pairing. We have discovered that this is a great wine for cellaring as the evolution is slow and the wine continues to improve with time.
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